Party building work

Our hospital held the fifth Party Committee theoretical learning Center group meeting in 2023


 On August 4, our college held the fifth meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee in 2023。本次学习以“深入学习领会习近平总书记关于推动高质量发展的重要论述”为主题,学习习近平总书记关于推动高质量发展、科技创新及人才工作的重要论述,学习习近平生态文明思想、习近平法治思想,Convey the spirit of learning documents related to the subject education work of superiors,We made solid progress in reforming our work style,Strengthen efficiency building,Strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of hospitals。Xu Liya, Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting, and the leaders of the hospital, the secretary of the General Party branch, the deputy secretary, and the heads of functional departments attended the meeting。

​ 会上,党委书记徐莉娅领学习近平总书记在《hg888皇冠注册开户》发表的重要文章《hg6686皇冠注册开户》,Conveyed and studied the spirit of the documents related to the subject education work of the superior,党委委员、副院长王云领学习近平总书记重要文章《hg888皇冠注册开户》以及习近平总书记对人才工作的重要论述,党委委员、学生党总支书记李亚萍对习近平生态文明思想的内涵进行了解读,党委委员、纪委书记欧阳继林对习近平法治思想的核心要义作了阐释。The heads of the medical Department, the Research and Management Office, the Human Resources Office and other departments made exchanges and speeches on promoting the high-quality development of hospitals in combination with the theme education。


Deputy Party secretary, president Wen Weibo pointed out,It is necessary to take the special rectification work of "lying flat" cadres as an opportunity,The staff and cadres of the whole hospital change their style, improve efficiency and promote implementation,Comprehensively improve the level of hospital business and management efficiency,We will make every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the project construction of ethnic medicine hospitals and the application of doctoral programs in traditional Chinese medicine。

Party secretary Xu Liya stressed,要全面学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,To learn to cast soul, to learn to increase wisdom, to learn positive wind, to learn to promote dry,Integrate thematic education with hospital center work,Focus on solving the blocking points and difficult problems affecting the reform and development of hospitals,Patients, staff and students of the emergency problem,Comprehensively review the work of the first half of the year,Check weaknesses and make up for weaknesses,Combined with special rectification,All Party members and cadres of the Institute should further cultivate the correct view of power, achievements and undertakings,Take the lead to know the responsibility and shoulder the responsibility, perform the duty and take the responsibility,Prominent problem orientation,Further improve the entrepreneurial skills of officers,To promote the hospital's work to achieve high-quality development。

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